As we celebrate national coming out day at Wayne State University Law School I cannot help but reflect on how law school has changed me. Before law school I hardly ever wore collared shirts, now I wear them almost weekly (almost). In the spirit of the day I am coming out, I am an activist, a blogger, and an advocate and supporter of LGBTQQ rights! They say that law school changes you, but I am not so sure. I was skeptical before school, and now, well now I know that our laws are far from where they need to be. In Michigan it is still legal to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Until we create a welcoming environment with respect for the inherent worth and dignity of everyone in our state, we will continue to lose our most valuable resource (people). Imagine what would happen if Michigan legalized equality by abolishing the 2004 amendment that banned same sex marriage and civil unions. Imagine the influx of marriage tourism, and money into our economy. Imagine the positive message that we would be sending. It does not take a rocket scientist or even a law student to know that everyone is entitled to be treated equally. As Paul Newman said, "I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant." I cannot say it any better than that!